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Purchase/Build Calculator

Project Name/Address
Purchase Price
Down Payment
Loan Interest Rate
Project Term/Months
Construction Cost
Construction Loan
Construction Loan Interest
After Repair Value
Real Estate Agent Fees
Closing Fees
Comparable Property(add link below)
Comparable Property Sold Price
Comparable Property # of Bedrooms
Comparable Property # of Bathrooms

{{ (arv-cf/100*arv-(ref/100*arv)*1)-(((dp)/100*(pp + 0 )+cc-cl)+pp*cf/100+((0+pp) * ((100-dp)/100)) * (ir*100)/10000 * term/12 +((100-dp)/100*(pp + 0))+(cl + cl * clir/100 * term/12)) | number:2}}
Net Profit
{{[(arv-cf/100*arv-(ref/100*arv)*1)-(((dp)/100*(pp + 0 )+cc-cl)+pp*cf/100+((0+pp) * ((100-dp)/100)) * (ir*100)/10000 * term/12 +((100-dp)/100*(pp + 0))+(cl + cl * clir/100 * term/12))]/[(cc-cl+((dp)/100*(pp + 0 )))]*100 | number:2}}
Renturn on Investment
${{cc-cl+pp*cf/100+((dp)/100*(pp + 0 ))| number:2}}
Total Cash Invested
{{term}} months
Total project length

Full Project Analysis / {{nm}}

Estimated project length is:
{{term}} months
Acquisition Costs
Purchase Price
${{pp | number:2}}
Closing Fees – paid at acquisition
${{pp*cf/100 | number:2}}
${{pp+pp*cf/100 | number:2}}
Financing Costs
Mortgage Loan @ {{(100-dp)}}% loan to value(LTV) & {{ir}}% interest per year
${{(100-dp)/100*(pp + 0) | number:2}}
Mortgage interest paid for {{term}} months
${{((0+pp) * ((100-dp)/100)) * (ir*100)/10000 * term/12 | number:2}}
${{((0+pp) * ((100-dp)/100)) * (ir*100)/10000 * term/12 +((100-dp)/100*(pp + 0)) | number:2}}
Construction Costs
Construction Loan @ {{clir}}%for {{term}} months /yr
Construction Interest Only Cost
${{cl * clir/100 * term/12 | number:2}}
${{cl + cl * clir/100 * term/12 | number:2}}
Cash Costs
Down Payment %{{100-(100-dp)}} of Acquisition Price + Closing Costs
${{(dp)/100*(pp + 0 )+pp*cf/100| number:2}}
Construction Cash Expense(Construction Cost – Construction Loan)
${{cc-cl| number:2}}
${{cc-cl+((dp)/100*(pp + 0 ))+pp*cf/100| number:2}}
Total Project Cost
Cash Costs (Down Payment + Cash Construction Expense) for {{term}} months
${{((dp)/100*(pp + 0 )+cc-cl)+pp*cf/100 | number:2}}
Mortgage @{{ir}}%/yr for {{term}} months
${{((0+pp) * ((100-dp)/100)) * (ir*100)/10000 * term/12 +((100-dp)/100*(pp + 0))| number:2 }}
Construction @{{clir}}%/yr for {{term}} months
${{(cl + cl * clir/100 * term/12) | number:2}}
${{((dp)/100*(pp + 0 )+cc-cl)+pp*cf/100+((0+pp) * ((100-dp)/100)) * (ir*100)/10000 * term/12 +((100-dp)/100*(pp + 0))+(cl + cl * clir/100 * term/12)| number:2 }}
Sales Costs
Sales Price (After Repairs Value – ARV)
${{ arv | number:2}}
Closing fees @{{cf | number:2}}% of ARV (Lawyer/Mortgage Discharge Fee)
${{ cf/100*arv | number:2}}
Real Estate Selling Fees @{{ref | number:2}}% of ARV
${{ (ref/100*arv)*1| number:2}}
Net Selling Price
${{ arv-cf/100*arv-(ref/100*arv)*1 | number:2}}
Total Profit
${{ (arv-cf/100*arv-(ref/100*arv)*1)-(((dp)/100*(pp + 0 )+cc-cl)+pp*cf/100+((0+pp) * ((100-dp)/100)) * (ir*100)/10000 * term/12 +((100-dp)/100*(pp + 0))+(cl + cl * clir/100 * term/12)) | number:2}}
Return on Investment (ROI= Profit/Cash Cost)
%{{[(arv-cf/100*arv-(ref/100*arv)*1)-(((dp)/100*(pp + 0 )+cc-cl)+pp*cf/100+((0+pp) * ((100-dp)/100)) * (ir*100)/10000 * term/12 +((100-dp)/100*(pp + 0))+(cl + cl * clir/100 * term/12))]/[(cc-cl+((dp)/100*(pp + 0 )))]*100 | number:2}}
Comparable Property Details
Comparable Property Sold Price
${{ cpp}}
Comparable Property # of Bedrooms
#{{ cpb}}
Comparable Property # of Bathrooms
#{{ cpbb}}
Link to Comparable Property : {{cp}}